Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Lessons of Service for Holsey Chapel Youth"

All around the world during this time of global concern, youth are rising to meet the needs of their community and working to strengthen the development of their countries through volunteer service. Millions of these young people also planned service projects and celebration events during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, President Obama Inauguration, and Super Bowl Sunday. The Youth at Holsey Chapel C.M.E. Church have rallied and are seeking to offer contributions to the development of our community through voluntary service.
At the beginning of the year, the Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) at the church met to plan their activities for the next months. High on the list was service as a compliment to the lessons of leadership they were learning. During the previous months, the youth were engaged in a series outlined in the text, Everyday Leadership: Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success, a guidebook for teens. This resource was part of a programmatic thrust by the Connectional Director of Christian Education, Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield in Memphis, Tenn. Two events became key for service projects: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday and Super Bowl Sunday. As such, the youth with the assistance of their directors, Alice Blount and Sally Wilcox tracked a plan towards Super Bowl Sunday.

During his lifetime, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. sought to forge common ground on which people from all walks of life could join together as equals to address important community issues. Service, he realized, was the great equalizer. As he oncesaid, "Everybody can be great,
because everybody can serve." The holiday was a "day on, not a day off" for the group. The young people assisted with the Annual Community Feast sponsored by the Fitzgerald Community Club as their service project. The Fitzgerald Community Club hosted the Martin Luther King Celebration beginning Saturday, January 17th. As part of Souper Bowl Sunday, the youth collected donations through the congregation each Sunday towards a full 100% donation to a local charity of their choice. Unanimously, theyelected to make the Monitor Enrichment Program their charity. As a culmination, on February 1st, they proudly presented to the Executive Director of the Monitor Enrichment Program, Iris Vanessa Melton a check for $300. An enlarged check was created which was signed by each CYF member as a hallmark of their accomplishment. Pastor Rev. Marvin Howard remarks, "We are proud of our youth and the difference they are making in our community on a daily basis. Our future lies in the tremendous energy, enthusiasm, and commitment of these young people. I have often said that every individual counts, every individual has a role to play, and every individual makes a difference. The recent actions of our youth proves it. We celebrate the indomitable spirit of these youth."
Further, the Director of Christian Education Charles Coney comments, "These events have been a catalyst for helping our youth mobilize a new generation of young leaders. We also know from research that young people involved in volunteer service do better in school, and are more likely to vote, volunteer and give philanthropically as adults. Likewise, they are also 50% less likely to get involved in drug and alcohol abuse, and teen delinquency. Youth service is one of the most effective youth development methodologies."
The fine works of these youth people are document on the National Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service website and on the Holsey Chapel website, .

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