Monday, April 26, 2010

"WORSHIP, GROW, SERVE: Christian Education Day @ The Chapel

FITZGERALD, GEORGIA – APRIL 26, 2010: Holsey Chapel C.M.E. Church celebrated its Annual Christian Education Day using its department theme of “Worship, Grow, Serve.” The service was held on yesterday, April 25th, and began with Sunday School continuing through Morning Worship.

According to Liturgist Michelle Riley Jones of the African American Lectionary, “Christian education has several purposes. One of its purposes is to teach people the principles or commandments of God. This is baseline Christian education work. After people accept God as the head of their lives, they cannot do the will of God unless they know what it is.” Holsey Chapel’s Board of Christian Education includes leaders from local church ministries such as: Sunday School, Bible Study, New Member’s Training, Vacation Bible School, Ministry to Men, Women’s Missionary Society, Children’s Church, Christian Youth Fellowship, and the Young Adult Ministry. The different departments work cohesively to execute the Pastor’s vision of a vibrant, energetic congregation that is poised to make disciples for Christ and support the church being a “Beacon of Hope for the Community.”

“Our ministries and teaching are structured to help people in the spirit of wisdom and revelation as they come to know God,” says Charles L. Coney, Director of Christian Education. “Armed with knowledge of God’s commandments, they can walk in the path designed for them as they prepare to do the will of God. Many may not be fully aware of the widespread reach and impact of Christian education in the life of the church. This is why we celebrate Christian Education Day at The Chapel. Moreover, we utilize the service to highlight the volunteers who bring their skills, talents, and resources in a passion to prepare themselves and the congregation for ministry.”

The Celebration Message was brought by Rev. Rosia Jackson challenging the congregation to witness. Her chosen text was Mark 1:44-45 with an exploration of the cleansed leper spreading the Good News as a model example of our directive from Christ. The inclusion of the Angelic Angels Praise Team and the Children’s Choir was a welcomed testimony of an intergenerational worship that appeals to all. Event planners are hopeful that the Celebration will boost participation in weekly Bible Study, Sunday School classes, and all that the Christian Education Ministry offers to the congregation and community. Additional information and pictures can be found on our church website at .